Crailsheim during the Nationalsocialism
Attitude towards the NSDAP
Reasons for the many NSDAP votes in Crailsheim were the effects of the world economic crisis. Lots of people were unemployed. But surely some only voted the NSDAP because of the party`s high status in policy at this time.
In the following years the influence of the NSDAP grew continuously. After the disbanding of the "Reichstag" (parliament) on February 1st, 1933, new elections took place in March. The results showed that the community of Crailsheim developed into a stronghold of National Socialists (62% of all votes for the NSDAP came from the community of Crailsheim). Because of forcing into line, i.e. in all public officies only members of the NSDAP were allowed to be employed , the NSDAP was the only party in the townhall of Crailsheim in June 1933.