Crailsheim during the Nationalsocialism
The persecution of Jews
There was a relatively high number of Jewish inhabitants living in Crailsheim. At a national census in 1925 , 196 Jews out of nearly 5000 inhabitants were registrated. In 1933 only 160 were left !
But the discrimination against Jews began already in 1933. In magazines the NSDAP pointed to the danger of Jewish big-capitalists. Also parts of the population of Crailsheim obviously showed their dislike against them. Because of owning flourishing shops, the Jews were better off in society. Envy was the reason for the antisemitic attitude of most people !
After the NSDAP-Regime had gained more and more power and influence, there were discriminations and even whippings in the castle of Crailsheim against political dissidents and especially against Jews. Besides, Jewish shops were boycotted and there were punishments against them. In the service sector Jews were dismmissed.
Because of having no more work, they were forced to leave Crailsheim.