Hans Scholl and his Family

In 1930 the family, meanwhile with five children, moved to Ludwigsburg, and two years later to Ulm, where their father worked as an independent tax consultant. The solidarity and the way of education had surely formed the later life of the growing children. Otl Aicher, husband of the oldest sister Inge about this:"...because he was a liberal man, not liberal in the meaning of the upper middle-class or the German nationalism, but in the meaning of progress and change." (H. Winke "The short life of Sophie Scholl" p. 16)

Sophie Scholl

Sophie Scholl

In the early 1930s even the Scholls weren't spared from the political shock when Hitler with his party came to power. Hans Scholl and later his brothers and sisters joined the "Hitlerjugend", or the "Bund Deutscher Mädel" with great determination. They were engaged and they managed the tasks they were given in a brilliant way. Soon the children became group-leaders. Their father saw this development with dismay. "Don't trust them, they are the wolves and bear drover and they maltreat the German people terribly." (Inge Aicher-Scholl "The White Rose" S. 15)

He compared Hitler with the Pied Piper of Hamelin, who bait the children with his flute into disaster. He compared the people who were enthusiastic for Hitler, with these children who went into their disaster, without thinking about it. But his words had no success and his try to hold them back, was lost at their enthusiasm. There was often a disparity of views. From the beginning he faced Hitler and his politics with great distance. First doubts at the national socialism of the children grew up slowly through different events:

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