Hans Scholl and his Family

So in 1936 Hans returned very disappointed from the party meeting in Nuremberg, where the mass of catchwords ("tough like iron, solid like Kruppsteel...") and hackneyed clichés almost suffocated him. "...the youth, who was offered him as ideal, were very different of the picture of the youth he had in mind. There, drill and uniformity into personal life- but he had wished, that every boy made the special thing out of him, which is in him. Every single boy would have helped through his imagination, his ideas and his individuality to enrich the group. But there, in Nuremberg, everything was straightened into a model... " (Inge Aicher-Scholl "The White Rose" S. 17)

Familiy - Photo

In addition to that rumours came about book-burning, and these became soon reality to real-life, equally like experiences with Jews, who were discriminated and other persecuted people, who came into concentration camps. Now the enthusiasm for the "Nazis" was over. When Hans, in November 1937 like many of his brothers and sisters, was arrested by the "Gestapo", because they had still contact to friends of the former confederated youth, his proud was so badly hurt, that break with the "Nazi"-regime was executed.

When world war 2 broke out, Hans Scholl was a member in a student company and was called up into a medical company during the campaign to France. In autumn 1941 Hans came to Munich, where he soon met the circle of "The White Rose".

This group met since summer 1941 at the university of Munich. Male and female students met with the professor of philosophy Kurt Huber, they read illegal books like Dostojewski's "The brothers Karamasoff", they asked about the reality of the regime of Hitler and the sense of war and they searched answers in theological and philosophical aspects.

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