Hans Scholl and his Family

On July 13th, 1943 the student Alexander Schmorell and the Munich professor Kurt Huber and on October 12th, 1943 the student Willi Graf shared their fate (Petition for Mercy). The judgement against the Scholl's was executed in the prison of Stadelheim.

On February 24th, 1943 Hans and Sophie Scholl were buried at the cemetery in Perlach.

Familiy - Photo

Hans and Sophie Scholl, and also their friends were no dark conspirators, but sensuous young people, who died for the life of truth and freedom. With honouring the death of the members of "The White Rose" we would like to remind (everybody), that it's necessary in all days to question the world around us. We should be keen on hearing and sensitive, that in our world today the situation doesn't come again, in which the effort for truth, peace and freedom costs life.


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