Hans Scholl and his Family

On May 9th, 1942 Sophie went also to Munich and soon joined the circle of "The White Rose". "If everyone waits, until the other starts, the courier of the revenge Nemesis will come unstoppably closer and closer..." that's the complaint in one of the leaflets of "The White Rose".

The father Robert Scholl was denounced by an employee on August 24th, 1942, because he named Hitler during a discussion in his office a "big scourge of God" and added: "When he doesn't stop war, the Russians will stand in Berlin in two years" On August 3rd, 1942 a special court condemned him because of "insidiousness" to four months in prison.

After the arrest the prohibition of profession followed a little later. But these measure, which should intimidate the family members, effected a larger bond. In different sources is reported that Sophie Scholl played the song " The thoughts are free" witit her flute to her father at a visit in prison.

Werner Scholl

Werner Scholl (brother)

Die "White Rose" called "Offer passive resistance -- resistance -- where ever you are !" More flaming summons were distributed in Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Vienna and other cities. On February 18th, 1943 the fate of brothers and sisters Scholl and their friends was sealed. Hans and Sophie Scholl placed, has they often did, leaflets in niches and ways of the university of Munich at eleven o'clock. They threw some of them from above into the patio - directly at janitor Jakob Schmid's feet.

The "Gestapo" was informed immediately, arrestings started, investigations and examinations followed. Roland Freißler, president of the "Volksgerichtshof" chaired the processes very severely. The judgement was foreseeable. On February 22nd, 1943 Hans Scholl, Sophie Scholl and Christoph Probst were condemned to death through the guillotine, because of "resistance, high treason and the try to overthrow the national socialistic social order."

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